The 990 billion billion BOSS group is coming! Warriors, pick up your sword, summon your partner, and defeat this Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Bloody BOSS!Some notes:1. The game is played automatically.2. All damage you cause is converted into gold coins.3. Can be hanged offline for 24 hours.


2.16版本1.新增每日签到2.新增伤害统计3.以下技能得到加强,佣兵等级每有70级时,效果加一倍(70级时2倍效果,140级时3倍效果,210级时4倍效果,以此类推):炼金、冲锋、机动、钉头锤、烈焰术、掠夺4.技能调整: a.神圣加持由每隔10秒调整到每隔6秒 b.远古龙鲨的庞大由攻击额外获得50%金币调整为额外获得75%金币 c.赤恶鬼的食粮调整为:每次攻击消耗(攻击等级*5)点面包5.一些技能描述优化6.升级所需资源略微降低一些7.其他优化